Monday, April 7, 2008

Back in the Saddle!

In the weight loss saddle that is.

Some how I lost my way but I am definitely getting back on track. I have been working out a minimum of three days a week through it all but my food and water have gone way off course. I am now back to working out five days a week and am starting to track my food again. I NEED to do this for ME. I have been stuck at the same weight for WEEKS now and it is driving me batty!

On a side note, the weather is ABSOLUTELY beautiful and I am SO glad that the kids and I can finally start enjoying some time outdoors!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I've finally settled into a routine at work and it is going really well. I love 99% of the people I work with and have tons of fun!

So, I joined a gym! I went for the first time yesterday and made it about 35 minutes before JoJo freaked out - not too bad! Today, I got a full hour in! Woohoo!

I don't know what it is about the gym that makes me push myself harder. Maybe that I feel like I have to "keep up" with everyone else there? Who knows but I think joining the gym is what I needed to force myself to do more than just my regular 30 minute walk at home.

I WILL lose weight and Todd and I WILL run - not walk - the 10K at the Detroit Marathon this year!!!